After half an hour the solution was obvious, but you have to be connected to the internet.
1. Update package list:
- sudo apt-get install update
- sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Then wireless card should be recognized
svn statusIf I see ? mark at the start of the line, I then decide should I add (svn add dir/filename) or delete or whatever.
svn status | cut -c8- > out.txtWhat this does it deletes first 8 characters and dumps svn status to file. I then edit this file via some editor deleting lines I don't need.
svn ci --targets out.txt --username USER -m Commit_message
mysql.exe --default-character-set=utf8 -u root database_name < path\to\dump\file.sql
find . -type d -exec chmod go-w {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod ug-r {} \;finds all files in the current directory and forbids to read for owner and group